13th KAZAKHSTAN INTERNATIONAL Security, Fire Protection, Information Technologies EXHIBITION

Astana’s Operational Control Centre receives images from over 180 CCTV cameras

The video wall of Astana’s Operational Control Centre has been modernised to receive images from over 180 CCTV cameras located on the city’s streets, the Department of Internal Affairs has announced.

The video wall is a 72 inch LG TV which can display images from approximately 50 cameras. The video wall not only allows the police to conduct video monitoring to protect the public and the city’s infrastructures; they will now be able to use the images for analytical data processing.

The ‘Operation of Intellectual System’ will be able to automatically reveal infringements, such as disobeying to traffic laws, jay walking, driving on the wrong lane, among many others. Notices from will then be distributed to the culprits from the centre.

In addition to video observation, the system can now recognise state licence plates and check vehicles against the national database. T

Astana’s Operational Control Centre was established on December 1999.

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