13th KAZAKHSTAN INTERNATIONAL Security, Fire Protection, Information Technologies, Communication and Drones EXHIBITION

Welcome Letters 2019

Dear participants and visitors of the Exhibition!

Let me welcome You on the opening of the 9th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Protection, Security, Rescue, and Fire Safety" Securex Kazakhstan 2019 and the 5th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Information technologies, Security and Communications" ITS 2019.

Almaty pays particular attention to the implementation of modern, innovation security systems in all fields of life. We appreciate both safety in educational establishments and order on roads, prevention of natural and human-made disasters.

In this regard, annual Securex Kazakhstan 2019 and ITS 2019 Exhibitions are of particular importance. These exhibitions are not only current presentation platform for the latest technical achievements but also a place for an active share of experiences by the representatives of state bodies, business structures and scientists, unified by the task of formation of efficient and modern security systems.

I wish all participants, guests, and organizers of exhibitions fruitful work and achievements of all goals.

Deputy Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship
and Investments for Almaty city
R. Voroshilov

Ladies and gentlemen!

On behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I welcome the guests and participants of the IX Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Security, Safety, Rescue and Fire Protection” - SECUREX KAZAKHSTAN 2019, the main exhibition event in the field of security technologies in Kazakhstan!

Ensuring security requires maximum coordination of the overall efforts of the executive, enterprises, services and organizations. The exchange of experience, cooperation and active actions today can provide us with confidence in the future, security in all areas, the opportunity to work fruitfully for the benefit of society.

I am confident that the SECUREX KAZAKHSTAN exhibition will provide an opportunity for all interested structures and industry experts to familiarize themselves with modern achievements and promising developments in the field of civil defense and law enforcement, and to discuss topical issues of ensuring the security of the state and its citizens as part of the business program.

Along with the demonstration of promising developments, the exhibition contributes to the strengthening of business and professional ties between representatives of government agencies, manufacturers and suppliers of security products from leading domestic and foreign companies, which makes it possible to make extensive use of best practices and latest developments in our country.

I wish the organizers, exhibitors and guests of the exhibition fruitful work, success in finding new partners and achieving their goals!

Chairman of the Emergency Situations Committee
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the EGIDA Group of Companies, I welcome the participants and guests of the Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Protection, Security, Rescue and Fire Protection - Securex Kazakhstan 2019 (AIPS)”. I am glad that today we can discuss at a high level one of the fundamental needs of both every person and society as a whole - the need for security.

From the moment of birth and all life, a person unknowingly strives for safety: first, cautiously inspecting the endless stream of cars on the road, which for the first time must be passed independently, then, meticulously choosing a trustworthy house, car, bank for his family. A sense of security, reliability, becomes basic for us.

Confidence that we will see, satisfied with life and full strength of loved ones. Security every day. All this is the norm of a developed, progressive society. Society that has a future. The group of companies EGIDA, professional attitude to their work, their achievements, confirms the correctness of this statement.

Group of Companies EGIDA is one of the leaders in the security systems market, providing a full range of services, both in Kazakhstan and in the Russian Federation.

Priority areas are the production and sale of security systems, as well as installation, monitoring, design, maintenance and consulting services. Today, the EGIDA Group of Companies is a wide range of services relevant to the present moment, strict quality control of work, the introduction of advanced technologies, continuous improvement of the customer service system. EGIDA Group of Companies is rightly considered a powerful tandem that forms a new public opinion on security issues.

EGIDA Group of Companies is a team of progressive, dynamically developing, modern companies, the basis of success of which is a highly professional approach to business. Relying on the professional experience of using reliable security systems, we ensure the safety of life, health and property of customers, by introducing innovative technologies in the international market. Every customer is valuable to us. Each project is unique. Ahead of time, we strive for leadership in the world of security.

I wish all the participants and guests of the Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Security, Safety, Rescue and Fire Protection - Securex Kazakhstan 2019 (AIPS)" success and fruitful work!

Victor Gusev
Group of Companies EGIDA


On behalf of the IEC “Atakent Expo” and ITECA Kazakhstan International Exhibitions, as well as their international partner - ITE Group Plc Group of companies, we are glad to greet the guests and participants of the 9th Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Protection, Security, Rescue, and Fire Safety" - Securex Kazakhstan 2019, as well as the 5th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Information Technologies and Security - ITS 2019"!

Securex Kazakhstan 2019 and ITS 2019 give their participants and visitors a unique opportunity to get the most recent information on the state and prospects of development of Kazakhstani market of security, safety, fire protection, video surveillance, and information technologies; to learn about the current requests of the customers; to assess competitiveness of products and services; to meet directly a wide audience of specialists, and to establish stable relationships

On behalf of the organizers, we express our deep gratitude to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee on Emergency Situations under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Akimat of Almaty city for the support of our events and participation in their preparation.

We also thank the General Partner - Egida Group of companies, and Registration Partner HIKVISION Company for an invaluable contribution and active participation in the organization of events.

Let me wish all participants and gusts of the Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Protection, Security, Rescue, and Fire Safety" - Securex Kazakhstan 2019, as well as the Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Information Technologies and Security - ITS 2019" fruitful work, successful negotiations, and new business contacts!

Best regards,
Organizing committee